"The Rapid Aloha Network"
Synergy at work
Get in touch with us at info@new.com
​Care Hawaii Crisis Shelter
Our colleague, Mona Maynard. Care Hawaii has
an excellent professional staff of caseworkers who respond to homeless crisis calls weekly and go
on outreach in both Hilo and Kona to meet new clients. Their Crisis Centers offer 14-day shelter
and psychological assessment. Our 808HTF organization "fills in the gap" to assist their clients who wish to return home to their families of origin
out-of state. Through this Family Reunification Program, we cover airfare and food cards, including clothing to accommodate the weather conditions in their home state. Some are referred to drug and alcohol residential treatment centers off-island.
Kona Community Police Department
Our organization has had the honor for the past 5 years to work along-side these Kona Community Police Officers in benevolent assistance to the unhoused on the West side Hawaii: Officer Nahale, Officer Yamanaka, Officer Tanaka, Officer Sluss and Officer Ellis, and Sargeant Mansur. Our partnership is a strong, refined team and together we have helped homeless in a quick and nimble manner, upgrading the lives of the unhoused for the better! The officers are instrumental in interacting with this population in their quest for housing or to return home to their families out-of-state. The officers also assist with travel passes prior to flight when ID's have been lost or stolen.
Kona Community Hospital
Some of the finest social workers take care of the patients at Kona Community Hospital. A large number of homeless frequent the emergency room due to trauma, illness, or assault injuries. We network to holistically assess the best available placements for these patients upon exit from the hospital. Our organization brings in food cards, phones, clothing and pays fees for interim lodging and short-term convalescence. Uber rides are provided upon their release from the hospital, and flight fare to return home.
"Kona Street Feet" Medicine Outreach​
founded by Dr. Eddie Herd
Once per month on Saturday mornings for the past 3 years, our organization collaborates with a team of pro-bono doctors to conduct outreach to homeless on the West side, Hawaii, where skin infections are prevalent. The doctors primarily treat staph infections, MERSA, etc, and provide prescriptions and referrals. Medicine and supplies are purchased from their own pocket.
​In 2022 - 14 individuals treated;
In 2023 - 48 individuals treated;
In 2024 - 55 individuals treated.​
Office of the City Prosecutor
and Office of the Public Defender
This is a unique endeavor, a partnership that successfully assists homeless individuals in the judicial system with an offer of immediate flight fare to return home to their families out-of-state. It is a great relief for them to be released under the care and support of their family!
Through judicial proceedings enabling release from
incarceration or from the Court house, individuals are directly transported to the airport and escorted through TSA.
This project offers remedy to the issue of overcrowded jails here in Hawaii, and is a great cost savings to the State.